Simpleplanes building guide
Simpleplanes building guide

simpleplanes building guide

You can adjust your wing from “symmetric”, “semi-symmetric” and “flat-bottom”. Pylons are primarily attached to wings (use them to attach landing gear, engines, or anything to a wing): when a wing is adjusted after a pylon is placed, the pylon will need to be re-positioned on the wing. Note: These instuctions will not work if you have re-mapped the controls When landing, make sure your rear gear hits the ground first! It is okay(For most planes) if the front/back gear hit the ground at the same time, but only front gear is a no-no.When close to the ground, kill your thrust.Come in at an angle not too steep, 5-20 degrees is optimal. You should come in slow and steady, with perhaps 10-30% of thrust. When coming in for landing, align yourself with the runway well.Fly around! Beware, too much G-Force can damage your plane!.You can yaw by A) Moving the left joystick sideways or B) clicking Q/E.You can pitch by A) Moving the right joystick up/down or B) via W,S/Up, Down.You can roll by A) Moving the right joystick sideways or B) punching A, D/Left, Right.Cut your throttle by A) Moving the left joystick down or B) hitting "1" to maybe 40-60% to conserve fuel.

simpleplanes building guide

Soon after you get liftoff, punch "g" to put the gears in(if you have retractable ones!).Once you get to a comfortable speed, either A) Move the right joystick down or B) hit "S" or "up arrow key".You should start accelerating off, and away! Either A) Move the left joystick up or B) Hit "2" to throttle up.First, hit "c" to get a comfortable view and move your mouse(clicked) around to navigate around.Hit the "fly" button! You should load onto the runway.And I know that you put your rear landing gears at the very end of your plane, STOP! You won’t take off if you do so, place them close to your COM to allow you plane to pitch up on the runway. Remember, your COM must be between your front and rear gears or your plane will fall on the runway. You can also add passenger ragdolls, corners to reduce drag, and etc. Put on some landing gears, and accessories or whatever you'd like.Try to stick to a gap not too big to have a maneuverable plane. At this point toggle the display of the COM, COL and COT.As it’s your first plane it must be messy… I prefer not to look! Anyway, make sure everything is aligned and that your COM is in front of your COL with a gap of at least one block (it’s your first plane!).Remember to place vertical stabilizers vertically, and horizontal ones horizontally. Also if you drag round the triangular things on the wing, you can change the shape. The dihedral is the angle of the wing, the fuel tweakable the amount of fuel, the control surfaces the shape of the surfaces, the control direction, and the invert option. Click on the "wings" section on the side of the screen. Time to slap on those wings and control surfaces.Remember to provide plenty of thrust, and add intakes if you're using a jet engine! If you plan to attach your engines to your wings you can skip this step. You can add jet engines facing the back of the plane, or propeller engines facing the front. Build it into a reasonable shape! Remember, you can mirror your ship through the menu bar! Also rotate parts through the rotate menu. You can make it in normal blocks(under structural) or fuel tanks(under propulsion).

Simpleplanes building guide